Coyote’s Road Trip by Laura Koerber – Review by Lauren Cox

Coyote's Road TripCoyote’s Road Trip by Laura Koerber
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Quick read, but not short on entertainment, humor, grief or captivating characters.
This book touches on climate change, the changes in the world that is causing droughts and deaths. It also reminds me a lot of native American coyotes stories and spirits I have heard before even though this author clearly states in the beginning of the book that this is not based of off any indigenous groups. Maybe this is just where the author pulled her inspiration from when writing this book.

This paranormal character coyotes ventures out of a sad, dry, empty desert valley of Nevada. As Coyote searches for a new home, he finds new friends and beauty in the most unlikely places throughout his journey. Beauty is defined in the book as more of necessities like water, shelter and food. This book is and can be very dark, moody and sad but the author does a great job of balancing it out with lightness and humor.

Coyote has a lot of depth to his character, Laura did such an amazing job writing, storytelling and growing this character throughout the book. Not only does the story go together seamlessly, she also does a phenomenal job describing the landscape, places and feelings of Coyote and the world that he lives in as he makes his travels across the Pacific Northwest to find his new home. Laura completely engulfed me in this story and had me finishing this book in one sitting.

This is not normally a genre of books I would read, but I am so glad I ventured out and read this story. I highly recommend and will definitely be reading more from this author.

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