Someone Exactly Like Me (Wounded Hearts Series Book 1) by Debbie Cromack – Review by Lorrene Huisman

Someone Exactly Like Me (Wounded Hearts, #1)Someone Exactly Like Me by Debbie Cromack
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was simply one of the best romance stories I have read in my entire life! The story was sweet, but very realistic, and a good build up. The story brought on emotions, ones that my heart held dear as well. The characters really brought the story to life! I was hooked and getting to the end, was bitter sweet.

Loved the writing that the author possessed and how they made the story come to life. Feelings and all! The author really put forth obstacles any couple may face, especially in this case with a celebrity’s story. The characters had that undeniable attraction and chemistry, but also needed to find the ground they stand on that would have room for them both. Destiny and Nicco were great. Undeniably great. I loved their scenes together and as they grew as characters, and they grew into the strong bond in which they held and were. Amazing and wonderful read! Loved it so very much! Could not put it down! So good!

I loved this story, and reading it was a delicate and happy read at the same time. I could not get enough of this book or put it down. I constantly wanted more. I got so much out of this wonderful author’s story. I can’t wait to read more by them Highly recommend this must read book! Do not pass it up! Seriously!

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