The Lie That Binds by Amy Argent – Review by Donya Pedigo

The Lie That BindsThe Lie That Binds by Amy Argent
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Lie That Binds by Amy Argent is the first book I’ve read from this author, but I guarantee it won’t be the last. I love how she constructed the characters to be relatable and emotional, which made it easy to get invested in their story. This is a great young adult read that has angst, love, lies, secrets, and drama.

High school is hard, dealing with drama, peer pressure, bullying, and romance makes it even harder. Holly and Nathan encounter a lot as they try to find ways to cope in this atmosphere. Holly is the new girl at school and she wants to be part of the popular crowd, but her plan doesn’t go so well. It doesn’t take long to find out the gorgeous guy she’s crushing on is a jerk, but she can’t stop her romantic thoughts.

Nathan hates being a jerk but he feels he has to in order to keep people from seeing the real him and getting too close to his secret. Holly has caught his attention, but he still tries to hide behind his jerk persona in order to protect himself.

This is a really great read that does deal with some bullying. Through this book we get to see the characters tremendous growth, because of situations like Holly being bullied and Nathan hiding himself. I loved how Argent handled the tough situations in this book. It is definitely worth picking up and reading.

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