Collateral Damage (Mafia Elite Series Book 6) by Amy McKinley – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Collateral Damage (Mafia Elite, #6)Collateral Damage by Amy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh my goodness! My first meeting with Hailey was rather frightful ! She’s on her way to meet her stepdad when she gets taken by men in ski masks , what a way to start !!!!!

Trey , our hot doc is quite the hot commodity amongst the ladies and he’s quite oblivious to it all and Sandy , his older charge nurse is most efficient in “ protecting “ him from all this unwanted attention from his “ fans “ 😂🤦‍♀️but what do you expect !? He’s HOT , a doctor and part of the mafia family 😳🔥 and he’s lost the barista he dated , he pretends he’s ok but that man is hurting 😥

When Hailey gets taken , her stepdad , who is married into the Carmichael family , that owns the hospital , reaches out to Trey for help , hoping his connections to the underworld would help ….but all is not as it seems and both Trey and I are a little suspicious of how the “ abduction “ went down , let’s call it , a sixth sense …..

Trey might be mafia but that heart of his is filled with kindness and compassion for his patients and that’s the biggest attraction for me but this is about how I feel is it !? This is about Trey and Hailey …..

I thoroughly enjoyed the twists , thrills and you definitely need to expect the unexpected 😉 that’s all I’m going to say 😱🫢

Despite the fact that this book can be read as a stand-alone I enjoyed it sooooo much that I’m going to binge read the previous 5 ❣️📕😱😉

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