From Brick & Darkness by J.L. Sullivan – Review by Shannen Kern

From Brick & DarknessFrom Brick & Darkness by J.L. Sullivan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

We’ve always been told that you can’t be too careful with your wishes. But how many of us have actually had to learn the lesson, especially when you’re in a dire situation? This book contains everything you want in a YA paranormal fantasy, and you can tell this author is one to watch.

Taking a ring from a strange looking man doesn’t seem like a bad idea when you’re a young teenager, but Bax changed his life when he just that. Now he will have to decipher what’s real versus what’s imagination which is no easy task with djinn against you. Will he be strong enough to resist the powerful djinn that appeals to him, or will he give in to temptation no matter the cost? With magic, mythology, murder, and tough lessons, this book was impossible to put down. I’m a huge fan of the YA genre and highly recommend From Brick & Darkness!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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