Mis-Spelled, The Stellaluna Chronicles, TH Leatherman, Review by Kristin Boutelle, Itsy Bitsy Book Bits, YA, Young Adult, Fantasy

Mis-Spelled: Book One of the Stellaluna ChroniclesMis-Spelled: Book One of the Stellaluna Chronicles by T.H. Leatherman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Mis-Spelled: Book One of the Stellaluna Chronicles is a great read to enjoy just because. The way the author incorporates humor into the fantasy realm is awesome. All of the readers should be able to get the humor the main character uses throughout the story. One thing that stood out while reading this novel, all of the characters compliment each other. The main character, Evan, making friends with the unlikeliest of them all. Evan just brings a different perspective to the story rather than what people always thought problems should be handled.

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