Dream-Shifter by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Shannen Kern

Dream-ShifterDream-Shifter by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I have loved all of Lois Wickstrom’s books, but this one was different than the others I’ve read from her. Dream-Shifter is geared towards kids that are 7-12 years old, and everyone in my household enjoyed it! I highly recommend picking this up and sharing it with the kids in your life.

Gwendolyn is a middle school dream-shifter. When she dreams, she turns into different animals depending on each dream, which sounds like an amazing talent! Typically, she awakens as a human again but when she is startled awake, she is stuck as an elk. Gwendolyn doesn’t know what to do next and to make matters worse, it’s elk hunting season! Will she be able to find anyone who can help her, or is she stuck as an elk forever?

Reviewed by @shannlynn

View all my reviews

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