Degrees of Innocence: Dark Mafia Romance (Cruel Deceptions Book 1) By Via Mari – Review by Jessica Stone

Degrees of Innocence (Prestian Series, #1)Degrees of Innocence by Via Mari
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Degrees of Innocence: Dark Mafia Romance (Cruel Deceptions Book 1) By Via Mari – Review by Jessica Stone

I’ve been blown away a lot quite recently with the “mafia” romances I’ve been reading and this one once again, did not disappoint.

Pretty straightforward story about a strong independent, intelligent woman, who ends up falling for the man she never saw coming. Katerina or Kate as she likes to be called is a design consultant hired on to a new job, when her and her team are flown out as a team to spend some time working on a design concept. Some crazy things start happening shortly after they arrive and Kate ends meeting our gorgeous gorgeous man Chase. Not knowing that he’s the billionaire who hired her team for the project at the time, it’s already too late for Katerina to get away from this man. From the moment he met her, Chase is enthralled with her brains and beauty, and don’t get me wrong, Kate feels the attraction as-well, it even has her thinking she might have found something special, something real, that is until she finds out Chase is her new billionaire boss. Their connection grows, but so does the danger surrounding them, and the ever growing threat to Kate from an unknown enemy. Is it linked to her new acquaintance to Chase or does it have to do with who Kate is and where she comes from….

Ok so that being said, this one’s a hottttt one, granted I’ve read spicer but this had me sweating a bit. The chemistry between these two is undeniable and so much fun. Chase is very controlling, domineering, typical manly man ,I will protect you, you’re mine sort. And Kate is very much a, I can do things by myself, I don’t need you holding my hand, stop telling me what to do, I’m a grown woman, type of gal. They butt heads in the most delicious way possible.

I absolutely loveee the spin on the mafia romance, the book has ties to the mafia don’t get me wrong but it’s not fully centered around big mafia men telling women what to do, keeping them safe, being the main story. The action/mystery of who is behind the increasing attacks on Kate kept me guessing all the way to the end and still I was flabbergasted. I still have soooo many question I need answered, I cannot (hopefully) wait to read more about these two and delve deeper into their life and the story of those surrounding them.

Wonderful mix of smutty, mysterious, mafia romance all put together and packaged neatly, I think this author did a wonderful job building her characters and starting this world, I’m excited to see more!

Degrees of Innocence, Dark Mafia Romance , Cruel Deceptions, Via Mari, Reviews, Itsy Bitsy Book Bits, Romance, Mafia, Romantic Suspense, Jessica Stone, November 2022

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