My Pearl Heart by J.N. Sheats – Review by Bobbi Wagner

My Pearl HeartMy Pearl Heart by J.N. Sheats
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed reading this romance story. This is not my first book by this author but it is one of my favorites by them yet. This is a well written story about James and Jasmine. Their journey is one that is hard to put down. She thinks that he is what she wants until he says he is going to marry her best-friend. What happens next you don’t want to miss. I enjoyed how the characters pulled me into their world from the start. They have great growth and their chemistry is off the charts. They made the story easy and entertaining to read. This is a fast paced story that is engaging and just a great story to read. Will James and Jasmine find a happily ever after? I highly recommend reading this book to find out James and Jasmine’s fate.

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Review by @bjwagner

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