StoryTeller’s Tale (Wretched Soulz MC) by Manda Mellett – Review by M Policicchio

StoryTeller's Tale: Wretched Soulz MCStoryTeller’s Tale: Wretched Soulz MC by Manda Mellett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I don’t know how this author continuously writes these characters! I am in love with a new MC. I didn’t want or need another MC in my life but the Wretched Soulz have burrowed their way into my heart. One of these days I might just have to get a bike and find out what that freedom is really like.

StoryTeller has been a nomad since getting patched into the Soulz due to a heart-crushing incident with a brother and StoryTeller’s fiance. It has been a long 5 years. Now, StoryTeller is being called home by his Prez to help with a special detail. Along the way, StoryTeller picks up a book he found. He discovers that the book had a personal message from the author in the front. StoryTeller then discovers that the woman the book is autographed for is missing. He doesn’t know why but StoryTeller feels a strange pull and attachment to this woman. It has to be more than a shared taste in books.

Sheri receded into her isolated life since her father reappeared after her mother’s death with a new step-family that weren’t big fans of Sheri’s. Sheri finds happiness in motorcycle, mafia, and mayhem romance novels, wishing she could be in one. The one time Sheri decides to add a little excitement to her life by heading to an author’s convention two hours away from home, she is kidnapped by an MC. Sheri decides that fiction is better than reality. Sheri is slowly resigning herself to the expected fate when a stranger claiming her as his Old Lady shows up.

So much happens. Sheri and StoryTeller are separated. Then come back together but will the memories of the way they met be haunting enough to keep apart? Will new challenges keep them separated? All I know is that you have jump into this fast-paced beauty to find out. This was one helluva way to kickstart the Wretched Soulz. There is so much to like about this story. The characters, the excitement, the strong female characters, and the brotherhood are just a few of the reasons to love this story. This series appears to contain a tad more graphic violence but it is not detracting from the story, nor offputting. I wouldn’t mind a touch more steam but can totally see where it didn’t fit this story. This author is ah-effing-maze-zing. Get lost on the back of a bike with your arms around a biker!!

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