Notebook Mysteries ~ Suspicions (Notebook Mysteries Book 5) by Kimberly Mullins – Review by Barbara Bohls

Notebook Mysteries ~ Suspicions (Notebook Mysteries book #5)Notebook Mysteries ~ Suspicions by Kimberly Mullins
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is book 5 in the series and this is the first book of the series that I have read. That said let’s break it down. I feel that you could just start with this book and be fine. I however, would recommend reading the others in the series so you can understand the characters and their friends/families better. This book has adventures, thrills, and intrigue all weaved throughout the book. There is the storyline of the main characters but in that storyline is the main theme of the book. It is like getting two stories at one time. You are able to deep dive into the main characters and who/what they have gone through but yet still have the thrill of them chasing after a huge, nasty crime circle organization. The book will have you guessing as to who is doing what, what is going to happen next, and what else could these poor kids go through. I didn’t feel much of a lull throughout this book because it constantly kept my attention with what was happening. I had to keep turning the pages to find out what was going on next. I feel that I wasn’t prepared for how amazing this book was going to be. I also find myself going back to the first book in the series to read all of them. I feel like I will have a better understanding as to what drives the main characters. However, you get a good feel for that in the book, I just liked it so much that I need to know more. I highly recommend this book if you like organized crime, mysteries, thrillers, and just good suspense.

Reviewed by: @bbohls
View all my reviews

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