The Forlorn Cowboy (The Studs of Clear Creek County) by Stacy-Deanne – Review by Rebeca Elliott Figueiras

The Forlorn Cowboy by Stacy-Deanne (The Studs of Clear Creek County)The Forlorn Cowboy by Stacy-Deanne by Stacy-Deanne
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Another enjoyable short novella in the Studs of Clear Creek County series. These can be read as standalones; you don’t miss anything if you choose not to read the first book.
I have previously said that I enjoy the fact that the author does not shy away from the racial divide and difficulties faced at the time this series is set. I find this quite refreshing as I have often come across the typical idea portrayed that the wild west was a brilliant time.
I love the writing style the author uses, its flows so well and makes the reading experience more enjoyable. The descriptions bring the scenery and mannerisms of the characters to life and I feel as though I am transported there standing alongside the characters as they navigate their surroundings and relationships.
I was a little concerned prior to reading that this book would be similar to the last and I would have difficulty separating the two, but I’m so pleased to have been wrong! The storyline does have some similarities, but the characters and their story are vastly different, and this makes the characters more alive in my eyes.
Their personalities and ‘quirks’ really shine through in the way the author is able to portray the emotions and circumstances of the characters through description alone without the need to state it outright. Greta Fay is a strong female character, and I absolutely loved her attitude and passion for the fight for the rights of the black community.
I do wish the book was longer but I’m happy to have been able experience Christopher and Greta Fay’s story unfold.

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