Braving Lily (True Platinum Series Book 7) by Morgana Bevan – Review by Kerry Carr

Braving Lily (True Platinum, #5)Braving Lily by Morgana Bevan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is book 5 in the True Platinum series. The good thing is these books can be read as a standalone as each book features a different couple. In this story we are with Lilly and Rhys.

I loved the fact that in this rockstar romance the rockstar it Lilly. She is a fiesty, strong confident person who is fed up of having her love life spread all over the gossip pages. After her last heartbreak she has sworn off romance and is concentrating on her career which is really taking off. However all that changes when she auctions off 1 date and Rhys reluctantly walks into her life.

Rhys has his own past heartaches to deal with and dating is the last thing he ever wants to do especially not dating a spoilt star who always gets her own way. When his mum wins the auction he is given the date which is doesn’t want. When he stands her up hoping to save them both from wasting their time the last thing he expected was the star to turn up on his door step.

What follows is a story with a lot of chemistry between Rhys and Lilly but also a lot of issues of learning how to trust and love again. Will the rockstar walk into his life and change it for the better? Or will their lack of trust and past relationships and heartbreaks stop both of them finding the love they deserve?

View all my reviews

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