Obedience (Ties That Bind Book 1) by Liza Snow – Review by Barbie England

ObedienceObedience by Liza Snow
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The thing about this book that captured my attention was the description of the student-teacher relationship. Cassandra has admired Chandler basically her whole life. She followed his acrobatic career in the circus. When she gets the chance to work with him as her mentor, she quickly begins absorbing information from his knowledge and experience. Chandler knew from his first glance at Cassandra that he wanted to be the one to show her the silks used in his circus act. Their feelings for each other quickly develop beyond a mere professional relationship. However, tension follows them as they both are keeping secrets from each other. I didn’t realize until the end of the story that this is actually the start of the series, but I feel like the story Ms. Snow penned wraps up the introduction to Cassandra and Chandler’s lives. It also left enough of a cliffhanger that I am excited to read the next book. There are some spicy bits, that enhance the story in my opinion.

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