Operation Escape (Space Force Rejects Book 2) by Landra Graf – Review by Kerry Carr

Operation Escape (Space Force Rejects Book 2)Operation Escape by Landra Graf
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I really loved this sci-fi romance. This is the second book in the Space Force Rejects series. The author does a fantastic job of bringing this story to life and I love the unquie take on the romance between the hero and heroine being similar to fated mates, however this bond isn’t neutral it was made by a experiment being performed on Markus.
Neither he nor Sera want this bond. However when Sera’s uncle (the scientist who injected Markus with this curse) goes missing Markus sees this as the opportunity to perhaps get this bond removed. Pretty simple right?
Oh how wrong they are. When they have to travel to Earth to find her uncle they are faced with a planet of people who are traitors, convicts, the lowest of the low. People who will stop at nothing to see Markus And Sera dead. However as dangerous as the situation is Markus and Sera need to work together, alongside these people of they are going to succeed.
Add to this lies, secrets, danger, a bond neither of them want and a connection and an attraction neither of them can deny, this becomes one hell of a space ride. One you will definately not be able to put down.

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