Right in Front of You (Morris Valley Gang Book 1) by Brooke May – Review by Shelly Kittell

Right in Front of You: Volume One: Brinley & Adrian (Morris Valley Gang Book 1)Right in Front of You: Volume One: Brinley & Adrian by Brooke May
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is one heck of an exciting romance. Brinley just wants some peace. She’s trying to get away from a stalker. She goes to visit friends and meets the hot Adrian. Oh my, do the sparks fly. I love the chemistry with these two. The interactions are witty and quite entertaining. Their friends, seeing as they both know the same people, are quite relatable and entertaining also. There is some baggage and drama in the group that I look forward to reading about in further books. The story is feels like you’re hanging out with them. This author has a way of writing that puts you right into the story also so that you are experiencing everything. You feel the emotions, etc. It’s a terrific romance that I recommend you must read. Adrian and Brinley are now on my list of favorite characters.

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