The Traveler: Book 3 by Deborah Dugan – Review by Darla Yocom

The Traveler: Book 3The Traveler: Book 3 by Deborah Dugan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Book three of this series is by far the best in my opinion. I previously read book two and was unable to put it down, but while reading this one, I found that I did not want to step away from the pages, not even to sleep.

My love for sci-fi was definitely a driving factor in me picking up book number three of this series and continuing the adventures of Harry. Harry is a unique character with a lot of personality. He has lived many lives in many different forms or what he calls configurations. He’s lived in many different time frames as well. The things he has witnessed and experienced makes for an interesting background for this character.

When we last left Harry, he was a fuzzy and loveable tarantula who awoke from stasis and dealt with the trials and tribulations of trying to survive within his new configuration. Book three finds Harry once again in a new configuration, this time as a giant Asian mantis. He tries to find his way back to Tristan who constantly worries about Harry and his well being. I swear Harry is a danger magnet!

New characters are introduced, and the previous characters continue their roles, such as Tristan and his love interest, Elena. The suspense build up in this book surpasses the levels in books one and two.

I think if you have read books one and two prior to this one, you will find yourself uncovering answers to questions you may have had lingering from the previous books. Once you connect the dots and learn about the additional character building that the author created in this book, you’ll be even more amazed at the remarkable production established within this series.

Admirable world building, character development and the extraordinary plot.

Personally, I thought the interactions between Tristan, Elena and Harry were heartwarming and adorable. I laughed and teared up multiple times throughout this story. I hope everyone enjoys this book and overall series. This is a unique work of art!

View all my reviews

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