My Goodbye Girl by Anna Gomez – Review by Angela Hayes

My Goodbye GirlMy Goodbye Girl by Anna Gomez
My rating: 3 of 5 stars


3 Stars


My Goodbye Girl by Anna Gomez is an angsty and emotional women’s fiction story about star-crossed lovers, and is not your ‘typical’ romance. The story spans several years as the two MCs continue to come together only to be pulled apart- and we follow along on all their highs and lows.
I was intrigued by the premise of the story- a practical and analytical scientist meets a more fanciful romance author- their chemistry draws them together, and connection and developing feelings ensue. But they have personal and professional obstacles that keep drawing them apart. What happens makes for an angsty and interesting read.
I really wanted to love this book more than I did, as I just couldn’t connect with the characters the way I had hoped to. But I will shelve this book to read again in a few weeks to see if I still feel the same way, or maybe discover that I was just having an ‘off’ reading day during this first read-through.
Happy Reading…

Thank you, Anna Gomez!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

View all my reviews

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