Twisted Oath (Bound By Blood Book 1) by A. S. Roberts – Review by Kerry Carr

Twisted Oath (Bound By Blood #1)Twisted Oath by A.S. Roberts
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a dark Mafia Romance. I love these types of stories that are full of danger, Suspense, revenge and a hot and steamy romance and this book has all that and more.
The author does an amazing job with the characters and their story. I loved how we got a complete back story to Salvatore which really helped me understand why he was so consumed with his need for revenge. After reading about all his struggles it is easy to understand why he grew up to be the way he is.
Salvatore was orphaned and left alone and penniless when he was a child. He had to fight every day to survive. The only thing that kept fueling his drive was getting revenge on the man who put his family in that position Alessandro Giordano.
The way Salvatore saw things to get revenge he would take something Alessandro adored and destroy it. That something was his daughter Serafina.

Serafina has grown up with a very protective family. All she wants is to spread her wings and be free. So when she meets a strong powerful man who offers her exactly that opportunity she doesn’t think twice before accepting and becoming his wife. But is Salvatore the Knight in shining armour or is he a devil in disguise?
Is Serafina swapping one guilded cage for another? What happens if Salvatore’s plans for revenge change? If he falls for Serafina could he still use her in his plot for revenge against her father?
It was a gripping story that I couldn’t put down. The story was fast paced and flowed really well.

View all my reviews

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