Cruel Hate (Hidden Valley Elite Book 5) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Ayla Phipps

Cruel Hate: A College Sports Romance (Hidden Valley Elite #5)Cruel Hate: A College Sports Romance by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Fear. Betrayal. Once more, the beyond talented Isla Vaughn pulls you deeper and deeper into the world of the Hidden Valley Elite. Must read the prequel Cruel Start first as it starts the story that continues in this book, starting a few months after the events of that book. Dual perspectives of Phoenix and Aspen.
Phoenix has had a long summer of healing after his hand was shredded by the glass, but the time has come he can finally start practicing again and playing soon. Aspen has lived in terror all summer; one perfect spur of the moment has changed her world and delayed her dreams. Worse is that she must inform her parents, but her parents’ history tells her she needs Phoenix at her side. Thanks to a delusional punt bunny Phoenix is on board with her proposition to “fake” date, but he goes a step further not just for her parents but the entire school to keep the punt bunnies off him so he can focus on school and football. Perfect plan in theory, as they both react badly to obstacles placed before them and both show a flare of jealousy. Both wanting more but because of their painful upbringings fear what could happen if they gave in to that level of emotions. On top of everything the Bennett twins are at odds and not talking. Shane is still angry about what Phoenix said to Tracey in Cruel Start and while they aren’t together anymore Shane struggles to let go of that degree of lies that lost him “the most important thing in his life”. Due to their rift Shane refuses to be around Phoenix much less help him with his schoolwork, flunking he has no choice but to ask for help. Grandad has built a legacy in his company that he plans to leave for Phoenix and Shane one day, but tells Phoenix wait for the NFL finish college first its always good to have a backup plan. He’s also proud of both boys for not using the family name to get things handed to them from the school reputation Grandad held while at Thane. Just when things started to seem less doom Shane pulled a punch no one could have predicted causing things to spiral faster than the perfect spiral.
Can Phoenix and Aspen find common ground, for them and their baby? What does Shane do that tailspin everything? How will mom and Grandad react to the news about Aspen and the baby? The elite might have run the high school, but they are just more students at Thane and while they are recognized they have some normal from the chaos that followed them in high school. Now life is chaos, too many jabs at once to catch his breath Phoenix often feels like he’s got a lose/lose situation before him. Never able to say the right thing to Aspen and never able to figure out what’s going on with Shane. The author once again leaves you holding your breath as you try and read faster and faster to see what will happen next until you’re left breathless and lost when you reach “The End”. I am counting the days until the finale of Phoenix and Aspen’s story comes out, Cruel Love, September 28th, 2023.

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