Dead Keen (Things Unseen Book #) by Anise Eden – Review by Angela Hayes

Dead Keen (Things Unseen #2)Dead Keen by Anise Eden
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


5 Stars


Dead Keen is the second book in the Things Unseen series by Anise Eden. It is a brilliant psychological thriller with romantic suspense elements, medical mystery, action, adventure, tension, intrigue, gripping edge of seat developments, drama, emotion, plots, hidden agendas, and palpable tension.
After reading the first book and loving it as much as I did, I had quite high expectations for this second instalment. I am happy to say that Ms. Eden didn’t disappoint, and this is every bit as good as the first, if not better.
We met Psychotherapist Neve Keane back in book one and now join her and her boyfriend Doctor Con O’Brien on a trip to Ireland to help Con’s family. What happens once they get there makes for some intense reading that had me flipping the pages, reading as fast as I could, because I needed to know how everything would play out in the end. Add in a medical mystery, a demented cult leader, old gods, and a videogame company, and the story really takes off. I lost all sense of time and place as I followed along on the adventure, staying up into the wee hours because I couldn’t put it down until I had read every word. To me, that is a sign of a great book.
This could be read as a standalone if you wanted, without feeling like you are ‘missing’ anything- but having said that, I highly recommend reading the first book, as there are important character details, backstory and other pertinent information that will enhance your reading experience of this book.
I can’t wait to see what happens in Book #3!
Happy reading!

Thank you, Anise Eden!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

View all my reviews

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