Firewall by Jessica Mehring – Review by Elizabeth Sanchez

FirewallFirewall by Jessica Mehring
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed Firewall. It was a short book, that I was able to read in one night. It kept be engaged and I hardly put it down. The plot wasn’t at all what I expected, based on the cover art. With the title and Angus’s profession, I was thinking California Fires, not IT and romance. I think the evolution with Angus and Veronica happened wayyyy too fast, but overall I really liked the book. I liked the connection Veronica had with Cara and Angus, and how it all tied together. The characters and their connection is good. If the author plans on another book in the series, the groundwork was laid for it. I want the backstory for Cara and Veronica’s Beach encounter that was discussed a couple times.

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Reviewed by @way2gosmartguy

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