Granting Katelyn (Sweet Valley Series) by S.E. Reichert – Review by Jenni Bishop

Granting KatelynGranting Katelyn by S.E. Reichert
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

4.5 stars
Granting Katelyn is the second book in the heartfelt western romance series Sweet Valley by SE. I really enjoyed the first book where I was introduced to this author and her work. So, make sure you start with Raising Elle first you will not be disappointed.
The plot is well thought out with well-rounded yet complex characters with depth and lots of supporting characters some you will love and others not so much.
It is an emotional read that is full of pain and suffering, heartbreak and heartache that jumps off the pages it is so palpable. It is a story of a man who suffers from long term emotional abuse, and it is sometimes tough reading. It is a heartfelt tale that will make your heart ache.
Grant already a broken man (thanks to his manipulative a’hole father) but now more so after an horrific accident just like his horse is now broken too. When he reaches out for help with his horse, he may just find a way to heal himself and finally find peace.
Katelyn is a strong, confident woman who must find a way to work with a man damaged by his past and present and heal his horse.
There are plenty of sexy and steamy scenes where sparks fly in one way or another. There is also very colourful and strong language that doesn’t bother me in the least, but it may offend some so I thought I would mention it.
Follow along on this sweet journey of healing.
I look forward to the next instalment of the Sullivan family.


Reviewed by @jennadb

View all my reviews

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