Oathbreakers Anonymous by Scott Warren – Review by Ayla Phipps

Oathbreakers AnonymousOathbreakers Anonymous by Scott Warren
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Misplaced Faith. My biggest goal for this year was to discover new authors Scott Warren is a new one for me. The cover, while interesting it was the synopsis that made me say “why not”, as in give this book a try. Also, seeing the genre humorous fantasy gave me intrigue as I had never read or seen a book in that genre before. Being a gamer as well as a big bibliophile, I found that the game Neverwinter kept coming to mind while reading this book.
Paladins, no matter the race, are great warriors, fighting for their gods and continuously earning their grace and power. A great deal is known about paladins’ great deeds and victories over evil or darkness, but what happens to those that lose their grace, their power. Disappearing from history the author finds a way to fill in the blanks of history in this world. Marluck is a half-orc, who was a great paladin until the day he lost his powers. Lost and searching for purpose the newest oathbreaker finds a group of his fellow ex-holy warriors. An unfair punishment Marluck would do anything to get the “divinity” back that was taken from him, to return to the good sides of the goddesses. Hearing of possibilities to get back what he had lost Marluck will stop at nothing to reach his goals.
Will Marluck and his little group find a location in time? Is it truly possible to get his “divinity” back, to return to what he was before his fall? From page one I was glad I took a chance on this author and his world. The way the author not only writes but how he builds up the images in your mind of the world they live in. The good, the bad and the hilarious, I found myself smirking at the details. While the characters are not everyday men and women it was interesting to see how relatable the different races are to everyday real-life humans. I was even able to Invision people in my life as the characters bringing a little extra humor to the story personally. This book kept me engaged from start to finish, entrapped in the story and the mystery of how things would work out and come to an end. I hope to see more books set in this world and I will certainly be going back and looking through the authors’ other works just to read more of this talented author’s work.

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