Oathbreakers Anonymous by Scott Warren – Review by Jennifer Reimer

Oathbreakers AnonymousOathbreakers Anonymous by Scott Warren
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed this book, I wasn’t really sure about it because I’m not a gamer or that big of a nerd, so I wasn’t sure how much I was going to like it, but it really surprised me, and I found myself devouring this book as fast as I could. It was filled so much with action, adventure, laughs, interesting characters, fantasy, and mystery. This story centers around the character Marluck who is on a quest or journey of his own to redeem himself, were he loses his powers, and goes down a spiral. He then ends up joining a group of unlikely characters called Oathbreakers Anonymous, and they try to regain their powers. This story line was very interesting and intriguing, the worldbuilding to it was very well put together that I felt like I was right there with them. I was hooked right from the beginning and couldn’t out it down, with all the twist and turns into the book I needed to know what was going to happen next. Recommend this book.

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