The Magic Carousel (The Brass Ring Series Book 1) by K.L. Small – Review by Kerry Carr

The Magic Carousel (The Brass Ring #1)The Magic Carousel by K.L. Small
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a beautiful story. It is one that children and adults will enjoy. The idea of this story is really unique and I love how each horse that Rusty rode on taught him a different thing about himself and made him realise just how brave and competent he is as a child growing into an adult.
Rusty is a sweet kid. But his life has problems, his dad is a alcoholic, he lost his bedroom to his grandad, he’s failing school and he is being bullied daily by someone who used to be his friend. Everyday is a fight as with every fight he loses his confidence in himself and his abilities gets less and less.
His grandad was always telling him fantastical stories. They were so crazy they couldn’t possible be real. One day when his grandad forced him to ride the carousel with him, Rusty sion finds out where his stories come from. What follows is an adventure that will take Rusty through time, meeting different horses and their lives and through it all learning just how brave and capable he is.

The horses characters were amazingly written and each one had a unique story and lesson to teach which really made it special.
This is a very magical ride which you will love no matter what your age.

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