A Forever Kind of Thing by Carrie Thomas and Melinda Harris – Review by Shadel Ayerbe

A Forever Kind of ThingA Forever Kind of Thing by Carrie Thomas
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A Forever Kind of Thing by Carrie Thomas and Melinda Harris is a great young adult romance novel

She had a lengthy list of bullies and a small number of friends because she was raised on the traditional “wrong side of the tracks.” Before a new student arrived on the first day of fifth grade and offered her every reason to remain, she had spent most of her childhood days coming up with inventive ways to escape the grimy abyss that was Palmer, Georgia. She was left with a ton of unanswered questions and an irreparable hole in her thirteen-year-old heart when, two years later, Dad vanished without a word. Five years after the betrayal, she moved from a trailer park in Palmer to an Atlanta house, her wardrobe has changed from secondhand to designer, and bullies no longer kiss the ground beneath her feet.

Every page had you hanging on every sentence and I couldn’t wait to see what would happen. It is a very unique story with even compelling people. The story really transports you into this world. I couldn’t put the book down.

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