A Party to Remember (Notebook Mysteries Series) by Kimberly Mullins – Review by Angela Hayes

Notebook Mysteries ~ A Party to RememberNotebook Mysteries ~ A Party to Remember by Kimberly Mullins
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


4.5 Stars


Notebook Mysteries ~ A Party To Remember is a Notebook Mysteries series novella by Kimberly Mullins. Another fun holiday historical cozy mystery, set against a Christmas backdrop- it has plenty of intriguing developments, danger, drama, friendship, investigation, suspense, humour, and more.
This could be read as a standalone if you wanted, without feeling like you are missing anything by not having read the rest of the series… But having said that, I highly recommend reading the previous books too, as knowing what happened in those books will definitely give you a better appreciation of the characters and this ‘adventure’.
With Christmas fast approaching, and a Christmas Eve family wedding to prepare for, Emma is caught by surprise when an unexpected invitation arrives. It immediately triggers her suspicions- and she can’t help but do a little ‘investigating’. And as we all know from previous books, Emma seems to attract mysteries and her inquisitive nature gets her into all sorts of unusual situations. But is that the case here? Is there something sinister behind the invitation? Or is Emma reading more into it all than necessary? This story really is worth the read to find out.
A wonderful addition to the series.
Happy Reading!

Thank you, Kimberly Mullins!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

View all my reviews

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