Cruel Love (Hidden Valley Elite Book 6) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Hannah Porter

Cruel Love: A College Sports Romance (Hidden Valley Elite #6)Cruel Love: A College Sports Romance by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Man ohh man after a much anticipated wait I finally got to gobble down every last word in this book and I did it in one sitting lmao. After that cliffhanger that left me wanting , no needing more. Picking up and reading this was a no brainer and hot damn this Isla Vaughn did not disappoint in the least. I just had to know how Phoenix and Aspen were going to get their Happy ending. Just like all the previous books in the series, this one was just as freaking AMAZING. Passion, drama, secrets, lies and jealousy. With twists and turns that’ll leave you upside down and on the edge of your seat. Also this story made me love Aspen even more.
This will always leave you wanting more, point and case I’m literally counting the days til the next release withWinter and Shane’s story🥰 Whoooot whoot now bring on

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