Cruel Love (Hidden Valley Elite Book 6) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Katie Matthews

Cruel Love (Hidden Valley Elite #6)Cruel Love by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Before I even start with this review you must read the first two books, Cruel Start and Cruel Hate before even thinking about reading this book!
So where to even start with this one, the last book ended on that intense cliff-hanger which meant I couldn’t wait to start this one and boy did it grab me and carry me off for its entirety! It so difficult to do this book justice in this review without spoiling it and I absolutely would not want to do that to any reader. The chemistry is still there between the two characters but there also this new deeper emotional journey throughout the book that really does grab you.
I absolutely loved this book from beginning to end and cannot recommend the three books about this couple enough!

View all my reviews

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