Cruel Love (Hidden Valley Elite Book 6) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Melissa Saxton

Cruel Love: A College Sports Romance (Hidden Valley Elite #6)Cruel Love: A College Sports Romance by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

MUST read the prior two stories before this one!!
What happens when you remove all your walls, emotional barriers… can you fall in love and open up easier without them?

Phoenix and Aspen have had oceans between them it seems, and at every turn something is in the way, but now they have a chance to start over without all the previous anger and hurt they both brought to their relationship.

It was absolutely breathtaking to watch them fall in love again and Phoenix allow someone into his heart and watch Aspen let her walls down.

Even though they get a second chance there is still new obstacles in their way and everyone in both of their families has an opinion about it or… does something deliberately to try to end their story before it starts.

The ending of this story I said outloud “why you gotta play me like that” to the author of this book. The exciting cliffhangers will break you in this series . Happy reading!

View all my reviews

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