Master Campania (Masters of the Consulate Book 7) by Sylvia Black – Review by Brandy Rymer

Master Campania: Dark Vampire Romance (Masters of the Consulate Book 7)Master Campania: Dark Vampire Romance by Sylvia Black

I love that each of the books in the Masters of the Consulate Book series are all standalone books, yet they build upon the whole of the storyline. Currently, I’ve read book 6 and book 7 and now want to go back to the beginning and read through the entire series before book 8 comes out. I am so intrigued by the story of how each Vampire Master has met their amazing mates! Sylvia Black is one of the best authors we have today when it comes to writing about the different mythical creatures of the world, including witches, vampires, shapeshifters (werewolves), telepathies, and so much more. The way that she has developed this world that normally is against one another’s races are drawn to comingle one with another is so awesome. If you are into reading a good paranormal book, with romance, drama, and a battle of good vs. evil, then this is a series that you will not want to miss. The characters are so dimensional, and the fact that you get to experience the storyline from both the male and female main character’s point of view is just ingenious.
@Brandy Rymer

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