My Big Red Monster (Giants and Monsters) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Tausha Treadway

My Big Red Monster (Giants and Monsters)My Big Red Monster by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

My Big Red Monster (Giants and Monsters) by Lois Wickstrom. This is my favorite children’s author and she’s done it again with this cute read. Its the story a little girl who is afraid of the big red monster under her bed. Her brother thinks she’s dumb and doesn’t believe her. The monster tells her he won’t attack her if she will give him jobs to do and keep him busy. That is easy at first but becomes harder and harder. The morale of the story is becoming friends with people who are difficult to be friends with and to conquer your fears. Its such a great book I’m planning on getting a couple for Christmas gifts. Such a talented author!

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