Wicked Games (Hidden Valley Elite Book 7) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Kiana Gunderson

Wicked Games (Hidden Valley Elite #7)Wicked Games by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was a hard book to put down. This book series has been amazing and keeps you wanting more at the end of every book. I do suggest reading the other books first but can be read by itself.

This book follows the stories of Shane and Winter. Shane has worked his whole life towards one goal but one night that all could change for him. One action with good intentions that could cost him everything he has worked for. As a son and brother, he just wants to make his family proud and follow his dreams. He is highly determined and goes for what he wants.

Winter came back to town with one goal. Which was to find answers to things that happened to her family a long time ago. She does not want or need any distractions and that is what men can be.

What happens when the person you collide with seems familiar? Can someone who you can’t place be a key factor in your life? Do opposites attract or will a war ensue?

Read this book to find out what happens with these two.

View all my reviews

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