To Catch an Elf by Debra Parmley – Review by Samantha

To Catch An Elf: Pennsylvania Fighter PilotTo Catch An Elf: Pennsylvania Fighter Pilot by Debra Parmley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book begins with Zeke and Beverly walking when he spots the best elf for Beverly to enter into the contest. Beverly decides she hates it because it’s an antique. She hates all antiques because they’re old and smelly.

Zeke ends up purchasing the elf without her knowledge and with a secret plan. He then convinces Beverly to hire Marcie as their dog and house sitter so he can spy on her through the elf.

Marcie later meets Ted, who moves in next door and there is instantly a spark between them.

If you’re looking for a cute holiday themed romance novel, this is for you. There’s a little mystery, a little romance. Perfect for everyone.

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