Wicked Ends: A Dark College Bully Romance (Hidden Valley Elite Series, Book 8 ) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Helen Dawkins

Wicked Ends (Hidden Valley Elite #8)Wicked Ends by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the 8th book, but the 2nd book in Shane’s duet. I have said this before and I will say it again from the roof tops, I ABSOLUTELY LOVE this entire series. I am NOT ready to say goodbye. Every single character in the entire series is super relatable, and even their experiences are as well. You do not need to read the other 6 books, but I highly do recommend that you do as that they are all wonderful in their own unique ways and it also heightens the experience for the rest of the books in the series, including this one. This book definitely is an amazing way to end the duet, and the series as a whole.

Now, on to this book specifically.
I adore Shane, he has always been one of the characters I just CRAVE to know more about. Winter also captured my heart immediately. There is plenty of chemistry, angst, drama GALORE, love as well as hate, revelations, family, and of course just the right amount of some mystery!

This is not a lovey-dovey type of romance it is a bully romance; I repeat A BULLY romance.  Please check the trigger warnings if you have any.

Throughout the book, Winter and Shane seem to be both not necessarily “stuck in the past”, but most definitely dealing with trauma that happened in the past. For Shane, it is his father, who wanted nothing to do with the boys (him and his brother) for years, until recently. But now, it seems the reoccurring theme with his dad is – MONEY. Winter’s sister, Summer, was supposedly drowned by her mother. Winter’s mind has been blocked and she’s begun to wonder if there is more to what really happened. That is until recently she has been remembering more and more about what happened to her.

Winter is almost abducted, and everything just gets M-E-S-S-Y! While Shane is dealing with his greedy Grandfather who wants Shane to pay a steep price for money assistance. Money that his father is asking from him, putting him in a horrible position in order to get the money.

The two finally come together, to help figure out who has targeted her and why?

This book, and the first part of the duet, will have you falling in love with both of their stories. The character development is amazing. The plots themselves are outstanding and not typical. This is a series that I will continue to reread over and over again. The characters will always live rent free in my brain! The book and the series are highly addictive, and you won’t want to wait a minute until you have read it to completion!

View all my reviews

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