Song Of Earth And Claws by Lena Abram – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Song of Earth and ClawsSong of Earth and Claws by Lena Abram
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

In the lands of the fae, there are rules of engagement, in this area, they are the Rules of the Black Tower, a dangerous game of challenges and conquests where lands, titles and kingdoms can be won or lost in a single fight, or war and revenge can be taken in some cases and not in others. It is a complicated Game and Challenges lead to repercussions whether won or lost and the penalty for improper use or behaviour is deadly.

Lannahi is a young woman who is just entering the age where she can participate in the Game, she has seen it played and heard stories of the winners, losers and the consequences, but she has never played before and didn’t really want to, albeit her family has. One day, a man whom she thought she could maybe see a future with showed his true colours and made it known to her of his intentions, she knows that her life as she knows it is about to undergo a drastic change, he is wanting to use her as a pawn to gain power, but he is not the only one.

On the days leading up to one of the main Game events in a central arena, Lannahi makes a plan to fulfil her need to escape her first love, she plans to enter the game, she plans on making a Challenge and hoping she will win. One slight change to the plan is being called upon to perform in front of the gathering, it is something she neither expected or wanted, but knowing she cannot back down, she accepts the invitation and performs to her best ability, however, she is seen trying to gather herself by another fae, but whether his intentions are honourable or not, Lannahi cannot tell.

It is after this performance where it is announced that she has made a formal challenge, much to her family’s distress and confusion, it surprises all of the gathered audience, but all she knows is that she must win, or she will die, or even worse, become a slave, the exact fate she is trying to escape. Will she be able to succeed in her challenge against an interesting choice of adversary, or will she lose and face the forfeit the Game demands, not to mention what will happen after the challenge finishes, will her life still be her own, or will it belong to another? This is a fast-paced fantasy in a land of fae, games, consequences, trust, loyalty and masks, as a young woman makes a choice to change her life, as well as those around her in a land of magic, games and determination.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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