Planting Seeds: Growing Mindful Children Though Yoga by Janice Pratt and Lenora Degen – Review by Lisa Helmick

Planting Seeds: Growing Mindful Children Through YogaPlanting Seeds: Growing Mindful Children Through Yoga by Janice Pratt
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed this! I like how the author makes a connection between yoga and plants. Very cool! I loved reading the lesson plans. The author puts ideas for different ages and details everything very well. I could easily picture it all in my head. This shows how to have a 6 week class for kids.

There are great affermations and breathing techniques throughout. Plus games and songs! I am enjoying this as its is giving me all kinds of ideas to do with the grandkids.

My only issue is that I wish they had included pictures of all the different yoga poses they suggest. Some are self explanatory (like the frog) but others like mountain, fish, star and windmill are unknown to me. I have only done a few yoga poses do I will have to look them up.

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