Drag Me Down (Full Throttle Cyborgs Series) by Landra Graf – Review by Ayla Phipps

Drag Me Down (Full Throttle Cyborgs, #4)Drag Me Down by Landra Graf
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Mars, gang-towns, racing, secrets. Love the worlds Landra Graf creates. While this is the fourth book in the series I mostly did fine with understanding the story the only confusion in some ways was not fully understanding the past of some of the other characters in relation to the female lead of this book. As she says at one point in the room with all four male leads of the series so far, Snapper, Jack, Hemi and Drag, “she has left her mark on all of them.” Primarily told through the perspectives of Drag and Bridget.
Twelve years have passed since Drag lost everything. His gang, his home, and the only woman he ever loved, not to mention his arm. Now he is about to be at the same place again, the Mars Racing Championship. The night before the big qualifying race his past comes back asking for the mother of all favors. In the time since “that” day Bridget hasn’t been able to be herself, to drop the act. To be herself she risks losing everything, including herself. Now is her chance, all she needs is him and she can have her cover to get the proof she needs to rid not only herself but the entire planet of Mars of the monster that is Moag Cheatham. The sponsor that truly ruined her entire life and the future she and Drag had planned for themselves, together. Both feel betrayed. Both feel that it’s a trap that will close in around them at any moment. Moag wants to replace Briget if she continues to decline his proposal, to bring in someone more subservient who he can control. Drag wants to revive his town to its former glory, to help his people and thrive once again. Is this real or just another act?
Will Bridget get the proof in time? Can they let go of the past and accept the present? Who will come out on top? Everything in this world is mostly relatable, minus all the cybernetics, but realistic in nature. People often have their own hidden agendas and are willing to do whatever it takes to come out on top. All they wanted was each other, to be together and build a future together. Everything was flipped on its head and twelve years later flipped again. Together, will they finally find their happily ever after?

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