Finders Keepers, Cowboy (Match Made in Montana Series) by Rachelle Paige Campbell – Review by Kerry Carr

Finders Keepers, Cowboy (Match Made in Montana #1)Finders Keepers, Cowboy by Rachelle Paige Campbell
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the first book in the Match Made ain Montana series. This was a new author for me and I really enjoyed this story. This is a clean romance with a enemies to lovers feel, throw in some western style and it was a unique story.

Meg and Ryan have never seen eye to eye. Even has kids they didn’t get on. But was there more going on behind the scenes that neither of them realise. Was their dislike for each other hiding other feelings neither wanted to admit?

Meg has an antique store in town and things are a bit slow but she is determined not to give up. When her elderly neighbour asks for her help in clearing out his old barn she agrees to help until she runs into the neighbours grandson Ryan.
As soon as Ryan sees Meg he wants her off the property and away from him. He has enough to deal with setting up his new business on the ranch without her as a distraction and Meg is definitely a distraction.
Can they be civil long enough for Meg to help Hank? And what happens when they start to realise that their feelings of hate and dislike may not be that at all. Will this be the time they learn to understand each other and find their happy ever after or will this push them apart for the very last time?

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