Hell Hath No Fury (Life is Hell Series) by Naomi Valkyrie – Review by Hannah Porter

Hell Hath No Fury (Life is Hell #2)Hell Hath No Fury by Naomi Valkyrie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Just as I said I had to come back and read the second book of this series( Life is hell series). After reading the first one, I couldn’t wait to dive into this world again. I was so excited to see who we got to see next. Turns out we got to see Millie & Sheridan. I made quick work of this, not putting it down at all lmao. But this really has everything you could think of and more. This author really knows how to keep you wanting more and makes you want to run to the next book so you could jump right back into this amazing world she’s built and see all the new and old amazing characters that have been built. Speaking of which lol I love we got to see the characters from the previous book 🥰 excited to go pick up the next books, I can’t read them fast enough.

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