Oscar and Emmy Foster Kittens (Oscar and Emmy Series) by Terri Sabol – Review by Elizabeth Sanchez

Oscar and Emmy Foster KittensOscar and Emmy Foster Kittens by Terri Sabol
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Parent Readers Beware- Your kiddo will likely ask to foster kitten by the end of Oscar and Emmy Foster Kittens. I read this book with my 8 year old, and that was his first question, followed by disappointment when mom said no. We have read a couple of books in the series, and always love them. They are great learning tools, but perhaps I should not have chosen this particular topic lol. The illustrations are great- colorful and assist the story. Oscar and Emmy are the cats belonging to twins Abby and Charlie. Their family volunteers at the cat shelter, then decide to step it up a notch and foster a litter of newborn kittens. We are taken through the adventure, learning a little about the process and the growth and development of the kittens. I love that the book addresses the topic of “foster fails” and their mother had an excellent response when asked about keeping them.

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Reviewed by @way2gosmartguy

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