Perfect (Perfect Series) by Tricia Copeland – Review by Kerry Carr

Perfect (Perfect, #1)Perfect by Tricia Copeland
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a enjoyable read. I have read books by this author before so I knew I was going to enjoy it. This author has an amazing way of captivating a reader with the story and you can’t help feeling invested in the characters story and journey.

In this story we meet Chloe..she is a determined young woman who wants to make a success of her life. Find love and romance is also on that list but it has to be the right person.
When we first meet Chloe she is dating her long term boyfriend, but distance is making things hard and when he proposes and tells her life he has planned for them( which don’t include her dreams or passion) she knows she has to end it.
Now she’s alone and putting herself into the world of dating. And we are along for the ride as she meets more suitors but which one will she end up with? Will any of them be her perfect match?

I really loved Chloe’s character and how she was determined to not just settle but to keep searching for what she wants out of life. It is a thought provoking read which at times made me laugh out loud.

View all my reviews

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