Queen of the Fairies by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Tausha Treadway

Queen of the FairiesQueen of the Fairies by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Queen of the Fairies by Lois Wickstrom. I love this author, she is one of my very favorite children’s authors. This story is about a little girl who wants to write a story about fairies. She realizes that when she writes about fairies if she writes about the good ones she will have to write about the bad ones as well. The good fairies make the world a better place and fun to live and the bad fairies play tricks and have fun. These stories are so fun and always have a lesson to learn that make these books a great gift for families and teachers. This book is good for ages 3-5 and my 5 year old nephew loved it!

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