Stop that Lion (Kingdom of Mir Series) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Tanya Wall, April 2024

Stop That Lion: A Tale of Friendship Love and Peace (Kingdom of Mir)Stop That Lion: A Tale of Friendship Love and Peace by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Stop That Lion: A Tale of Friendship, Love, and Peace by Lois Wickstrom – a favorite children’s author- is such a sweet children’s book! It’s got these gorgeous illustrations that remind me of the stories we used to read when we were little. The story follows Wynnie, this smart girl who wants to help her neighbors in the Kingdom of Mir because their sheep keep disappearing thanks to a sneaky lion.

What’s so cool about this book is how it teaches kids to be creative and think about others. Wynnie doesn’t just sit around—she jumps in to solve the problem, showing kids that they can make a difference no matter how small they are.

The pictures are so colorful and fun, and they really help tell the story. And the lessons about friendship and teamwork? They’re spot on!

I read this to my great nieces and she loved it! She enjoyed Wynnie’s adventure and even came up with her own ideas to help her out. It’s a perfect story for kids around 4 to 8, and I bet your little ones will love it too! Definitely worth adding to your bookshelf for those cozy storytime moments with the family.

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