Sugar & Spice (Spicetopia Book 1) by Phoebe Alexander – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Sugar & Spice (Spicetopia Book 1)Sugar & Spice by Phoebe Alexander
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Cy Sweet is the youngest son of the Sweet family, owners of the Sweetopia family friendly theme park, he is one of three and is a typical young man who lives his life without any worries about money, just where he can next go study architecture, the arts and anything else which takes his fancy, he is always thought of as the lazy one by his family, someone who doesn’t really contribute anything and now he is being told that he has to start pulling his weight. Jolie Cox is a woman with a family of her own, with two sons and lives with her mum and they are a very close family, she does everything she can to look after them, including working long hours at two jobs and making ends meet, her main job being at Sweetopia, playing their main character the Red Velvet Queen.

One day, the Sweets hold a family meeting where Cy is told that there is a rebellion forming within Sweetopia and that rumours of strikes and boycotts have come to the families attention, so Cy is told that he is going in undercover to try and work out who the ringleaders are, how they are being organised and where, so he dons a disguise and is sent into the bakery as a seasonal temp so that he can find out the information his family wants and he also has a strict time limit to find this all out. Meanwhile, Jolie is having to organise her work hours so that she can care for her son who is having to go into hospital again so that he can get his treatment for his Cystic Fibrosis, as well as looking after her other son between appointment in her second job and it is exhausting for her, not to mention the guilt she feels for having to ask her mum for help the whole time.

This is where Cy goes wandering in the employee corridors before his shift and it is also when he meets the Red Velvet Queen for the first time, he is stunned by her and cannot help but sneak into the throne room and pay her a visit and Jolie is immediately taken with him too, he seems to be her ideal type, so when he starts to meet her in her dressing room, she is open to a bit of fun and so is Cy, but neither can afford to become too attached. As the two become better acquainted, Cy is beginning to see things through a new lens and it has him shocked, but will he be able to root out the rebellious coworkers and figure out who the ringleader is and what will happen between himself and Jolie if what they have is built on secrets? This is a steamy romance where secrets and lies are currency and feelings grow in a bed of deceit, but what happens when the truth comes out is something you will have to read through this enticing book to find out.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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