Texas Winds by Dana Wayne – Review by Kerry Carr

Texas WindsTexas Winds by Dana Wayne
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a very heartwarming and at times heartbreaking western contemporary romance. The author does an incredible job with the characters and I love how it is told from both main characters points of view. The authors use of descriptions really brought the characters, their situation and feelings to life.
My heart was captivated by Jake and Lexie and I was gripped by their story right from the start. I wasnt able to stop reading.
Jake has had his heartbroken. Not only did he lose his wife but he also found out she was having affair. Since she passed Jake has taken on raising the baby but he is left with nagging doubts. Is the child actually his or the other man’s?
Not wanting to risk getting hurt again he keeps everyone at arms length including the little girl.

Lexie has had a bad time with romance too after she was left at the alter. Now she’s determined to move on and refocus on herself. The last thing she wants is romance but when fate plays it’s hand and she lands in the lap of a handsome man and his adorable daughter will she be strong enough to resist?

Neither Jake nor Lexie want romance but they can’t deny the instant attraction and connection and as Jake feels his heart slowly starting to mend because of Lexie will they both be brave enough to take the leap of faith, not only for themselves but for a little girl that wants to be loved?

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