The Archcrusade: Tome One (The Archcrusade Series) by K. M. Hogenson – Review by Kerry Carr

The Archcrusade: Tome One: The Archspawn - Pilgrimage & PropheciesThe Archcrusade: Tome One: The Archspawn – Pilgrimage & Prophecies by K.M. Hogenson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the first book in The Archcrusade series. One thing I will say is that this is a very lengthy book to read and with some many points of view and characters that it could end up getting very confusing. However that being said I was able to take the time to read it at a steady pace and I even went back to re read parts and trust me it is well worth the time.
This is the type of story I love. I story filled with mystical beings, prophecies, the fight between good and evil, darkness and danger.
It is an epic fantasy read that if you allow yourself will fully immerse you and transport you to the time and place the author wants you in.
As much as I loved the story and the plot was unique with twists and turns that keep me hooked I feel I will need the re read it again before going onto the next book to remind myself of all the characters, their roles and how they fit together.

This is a very intricate story that is weaved together in a way that will truly captivate you if you allow it. I am looking forward to reading more from this author and to see where the story leads.

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