The Better Man (A Silver Buckle Romance Series) by Laurie Lewis – Review by Angela Shirley

The Better Man (Silver Buckle Brides, #2)The Better Man by Laurie L.C. Lewis
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Laramee is on her way back home after a frantic call from her mother, after leaving the ranch four years ago she is nervous about coming back and confronting her father, but she was not accepting the news when she arrived back. Lost in her world she strives to not let the only things she can slip from her fingers the ranch. When arriving she meets Jamie who’s business is real estate after being prickly initially they discover they have more in common than first thought.

Jamie is on his way to look at a ranch but first he was having some R and R in The Alpine a Ski resort but when he wonders into the reception area and sees his ex- fiancée getting ready to marry someone else all the air leaves his body, he rushes into the bakery onsite to get refreshments when he meets a lady and strikes up a conversation, unbeknown to him they will meet later and a lot less friendlier.

So when Jamie meets Laramee again at the Ranch things go decidedly a rye, Laramee wants him gone but he was instructed by her father so he is obliged to carry on with the job in hand but over the time of working together they see that they are so different after all.

This is a lovely story of family entanglements and expectations which are put on ourselves or others. The story weaves along and slow draws out the reasons that both of them have baggage and that they can just be friends rather than enemies in the long run that Jamie is only trying to help and somewhere along the way they become more.

With the secondary characters enhancing the story it is a lovely nice easy read, with characters who compliment each other and a clean story. I would love the read the next instalment in this series.

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