Unicorn, Don’t Do That! by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Elizabeth Sanchez

Unicorn, Don't Do That!: It's okay if a Unicorn poops on your doorstepUnicorn, Don’t Do That!: It’s okay if a Unicorn poops on your doorstep by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I’m not sure if it was meant to be funny, but Unicorn, Don’t Do That! had me laughing out loud. It is a very colorfully illustrated, rhyming book about Stega. She is half unicorn and half stegosaurs, and has been invited to a party. She is stuck on what gift she should bring to the party, worried that her gift won’t be good enough.. Many of the other attendees make their own gifts, but Stega has no weaving or carving skills. She instead decides to bring food, but that leads to be a struggle as well, as she accidently eats all the snacks she’s gathered. She arrives at the party, and just the wrong time…. or maybe the right time…. either way, her gift is a surprise!
I love that even though Ada tries to shame and make fun of Stega, Benny is a true friend and stands up for her.

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Reviewed by @way2gosmartguy

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